Frequently asked questions

About the Learning Centre

What is the Self Help UK Learning Centre?

The Self Help UK Learning Centre is a learning hub that provides online training and resources for people interested in peer support groups. Self Help UK is a unique charity with over 40 years’ experience. We have been recognised by the Department of Health as a beacon of best practice in both self help and self-care.

Who is the Learning Centre for?

The Learning Centre is for:
  • individuals wanting to start or connect with a peer support group in the UK.
  • organisations and charities wanting to support the development of peer support groups within their field.
  • professionals wanting to develop their understanding of peer support groups.

What are self-help groups, and what is peer support?

A peer support group is a group led by its members who are experiencing the same challenges in life. Many people find that it helps to talk to someone who understands, because they have been in the same situation. Peer support groups provide mutual support and offer a route to better health and wellbeing.

Will I receive support?

Check our FAQs to see if your question is answered here. We are also available to answer queries Monday to Thursday during normal office hours (UK). Email us learningcentre@selfhelp.org.uk.

Signing up and getting started

Do I need to pay to sign up?

There is no sign-up fee. Some courses do have a charge – this will be clearly indicated in the course outline. We aim to keep course costs to a minimum and as a charity commit to re-investing any income in our future service delivery.

Do I need to live in the UK to sign up?

The Learning Centre has been developed by Self Help UK and supported by the National Lottery Community Fund, for the benefit of people living in the UK. It can also be accessed by people outside the UK.

What prior knowledge do I need to have?

You need basic familiarity with information technology, and you need to be able to communicate in English. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of peer support. Some courses may require you to have experience within a support group to enable you to apply your learning. This will be clearly indicated in the course outline. 

What technology do I need to join?

The Learning Centre works on any device, but we recommend using a computer or tablet as you will have a better experience on a larger screen. You'll need a stable internet connection, and we recommend using the Google Chrome browser. Some of the resources contain video that have sound, so ensure you have earphones if you'd like to listen to the audio. We also have closed captioning in all our courses. 

Do I need to be part of an organisation to join?

No, you do not need to be part of an organisation - the Learning Centre is for individuals wanting to set up or develop their own peer support group, or connect with other peer support groups across the UK; as well as for organisations, charities and professionals.  

What details are required for me to join?

To set up a user account, you will need to enter a username and create a password. Once you set up your account, you will be prompted to enter further information about you. This is for purposes of service improvement, providing evidence to funding organisations or sharing with organisations for the improvement of services locally and nationally. All data used for these purposes is provided anonymously and cannot be traced back to any individual (e.g. how many people from different ethnic backgrounds we have supported in a year).

How do you use my personal information? 

Self Help UK (SHUK) collects details about people using our services in order to provide them with the support they require. We are committed to ensuring the safeguarding of the information provided to us. Our full GDPR policy statement can be found here https://www.selfhelp.org.uk/terms-and-conditions

Resource access

How long will I have access to the Learning Centre?

Once you have subscribed to a course, you will continue to have access to your course material indefinitely.

Can I reproduce any of the material for use within my group or organisation?

All content on this site is owned by Self Help UK. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Self Help UK and learningcentre.selfhelp.org.uk with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How do I unsubscribe?

You can cancel your course subscriptions (which results in automatic un-enrollment from the course) at any time. To remove your account from the platform please email learningcentre@selfhelp.org.uk.

Offering feedback and reporting issues

How do I offer feedback or make a complaint?

We value your feedback. Our aim is to put the people we support first. By listening and learning from your experiences, we can improve our services to provide maximum benefit to those who use them. Our feedback and complaints procedure can be found here https://www.selfhelp.org.uk/feedback/complaints

How do I report a problem?

Please email learningcentre@selfhelp.org.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours during normal office hours Monday to Friday.