Digital Wellbeing - Improve Your Relationship With Technology

During this 2 hour workshop you’ll learn more about how to navigate the digital landscape effectively whilst maintaining your mental and emotional health. You can expect to discover more about the science behind digital addiction and why it happens; how to mindfully use technology; set digital boundaries; and use practical techniques to detox from screens when necessary.

Write your awesome label here.

Andra Enache 

  • Date
  • Time
    07:00 PM
  • Duration
    2 hours
  • Price

What can you expect?

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand digital well-being.
  • Explore the science behind digital addiction.
  • Practice mindfulness and its relationship with technology.
  • Establish digital boundaries.
  • Employ digital detox techniques.
Write your awesome label here.
Meet the instructor

Andra Enache 

Andra Enache is a certified Transformational Coach and Mental Health Trainer. Her BSc in Psychology and experience in HR allow her to deeply understand the vital role of wellbeing and mental health in the modern workplace. Her mission is to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives, both at home and at work. With a wealth of experience in delivering mental health and well-being training to diverse organisations worldwide, she brings a global perspective to her training.

About the workshop

Platform: Zoom
Method: Interactive, participant-driven approach
  • Breakout rooms for collaborative group discussions
  • Real-time polls to gauge opinions and direct the flow of the workshop
  • Engaging activities tailored to reinforce key concepts
  • Q&A sessions for clarification and deeper exploration of topics

Ready to get started?

Follow these quick steps to ensure that you are ready to get the most out of this workshop.


Check your technology

Test your equipment (laptop, earphones, etc.) to ensure that everything is working as it should. Check your internet speed and ensure that your laptop is fully charged.


Create a quiet space

Find a quiet and well-lit space where you can focus on the workshop without interruptions or distractions. Inform those around you about your participation and request their cooperation to avoid any disturbances.


Get comfortable

Create a seating arrangement where you can comfortably sit and participate in the workshop for the full duration. Put your phone on silent and ensure that you have used the bathroom and had enough to eat and drink before the session.


Open the Zoom link a few minutes before the start time

Click ‘Digital Wellbeing - Improve Your Relationship With Technology’ workshop from the list below to access the Zoom link to the workshop. Even though the workshop is scheduled to begin at 07:00 PM on 21 November, 2023, we recommended you join the call a minute or two early. That way, you can sort out any technical glitches before we get started. 

Digital Wellbeing - Improve Your Relationship With Technology

Select the 'Join now' button on the right to join the workshop. Enjoy!